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February 17, 2011 @ 7:30 PM
Newtown Municipal Center
Shared Meeting Room #1
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

PRESENT:  Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, Ted Kreinik, Kathleen Quinn, Benjamin Roberts, and Barbara Toomey

Chairman Dan Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.

Items Added to the Agenda:  Mr. Holmes requested to add “Solar Panels for Reed School” under Old Business; and “Free Solar Panels (4 to 9 KW) for Municipalities and Nonprofits” under New Business.
Communications:  Mr. Holmes received information from Northwest Conservation District regarding the Kent Environmental Summit scheduled for February 26th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  

Ms. Hemingway discussed a group of four 8th grade girls working on a solar energy project.

Mr. Holmes spoke with Fred Hurley regarding the solar project at the Wastewater Treatment facility.  Their grant application is ready to go.  Although the Middle School project may not be ready for the February 28th grant (a signed RFP and the selection of a contractor is still needed), the completed work will allow them to be ready for another funding opportunity.  The commissioners discussed areas other than the roof to install solar panels, including having some ground mounted or building car ports over the parking lots where solar panels can be installed on the roof.

Mr. Holmes said that during a Board of Selectmen’s meeting, Will Rogers and Pat Llodra mentioned that an energy action plan for the Town should be considered.  He discussed building language into a Town ordinance that would affect municipal buildings.  Ms. Quinn will research to see if other towns have done this.  

Mr. Hurley joined the meeting briefly, stating that he has information about the study for the fuel conversion for municipal’s fleet (conversion to natural gas) and the RFP for the solar panels at the water treatment plant.  

Mr. Roberts and Ms. Toomey discussed the “Transition Town” movement (i.e., New Haven).  It is a global campaign where municipalities declare themselves a Transition Town and work towards moving away from the use of fossil fuel and encourage such things as purchasing local foods.  Mr. Roberts and Ms. Toomey will do some more research on this.

Public Comment: ~No public present.

Acceptance of Minutes:  Ms. Hemingway motioned to accept the minutes of January 20, 2011.  Motion seconded by Ms. Quinn.  Minutes were approved unanimously as written.  The minutes of November 18, 2010 were tabled.  

Old Business:

Middle School Roof UpdateMr. Holmes discussed the Middle School being re-roofed over the summer.  An architect has been selected.  Engineers from Kaestle Boos have done some initial structural studies of the roof that encompasses the added weight of the solar panels.  A conceptual layout plan provided by Kaestle Boos was reviewed by the commission.  The shaded areas on the plan show parts of the roof that are not structurally capable of supporting solar, which eliminates about half of the surface.  The plan will be sent to their consulting engineering firm for a full analysis of how the panels can be laid out.  Fred Hurley feels they may miss the grant deadline.  Mr. Holmes said that all the work completed to date will be necessary if another form of funding is required.

Energy Awareness MonthMr. Holmes discussed having April be Energy Awareness Month. ~There is a big push for sign-ups for clean energy use in Newtown.  The commission discussed setting up a booth at the Newtown Youth Academy.  Visuals are being worked on and information will be placed on the commission’s website.  To date, there are about 267 sign ups in Newtown.  Mr. Holmes also discussed getting the kids in school involved, having a competition with the reduction of energy consumption or having classrooms compete in clean energy sign-ups.  

ESCO Update – Mr. Holmes discussed the Town hiring an Energy Service contractor.  A consultant was hired to help the Town hire an ESCO.  It was noted that the projects would need to be large enough to provide value.  Ms. Quinn discussed research being done for using the algae to produce diesel fuel.  

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Reed School – The ceremony is scheduled for March 21st at 1:00 pm.   Jillian Carbone needs a list of e-mails.  A press release will be made and invitations will be sent to current and past elected officials, Curtis Packaging, etc.  A majority of the ceremony will be in the lobby with photo ops outside.  

Energy Action Plan – Mr. Kreinik discussed a previous request to the Legislative Council to have the Town run on 33% clean energy.  He would like to ask for 100%.  Mr. Holmes asked if the up charge could be reduced if there were such a large commercial purchase.  

New Business

Earth Day Involvement – The Earth Day event is scheduled for April 30th at the Middle School.  Commissioners were encouraged to volunteer at the event.  

Ordinance Discussion – Mr. Holmes will speak with Rob Sibley on the wind ordinance that was to be brought forth to P & Z.

Free Solar Panels (4 to 9 KW) for Municipalities and Nonprofits – Ms. Quinn explained a program by DCS Energy that provides 4 to 9 KW solar panels for municipalities and nonprofits.  Funding is from the federal stimulus package.  For free of charge DCS Energy will install between a 4kw and 9kq solar panels that are made in the USA.  Some stipulations require the roof to be no more than five years old (unless installed on the ground); there must be a southern exposure, no shade between 9am to 4pm, and each system must have its own electric meter and space for inverters to be mounted inside.  There is no limit for the number of units installed. The town is responsible for permit fees and ensuring the structural integrity of roofs.  The request must be submitted by September 30, 2011.  Ms. Quinn will ask Mr. Hurley about Town buildings that could benefit from this.

Sarah Hemingway motioned to adjourn and seconded by Kathleen Quinn.  The meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Tammy Hazen, Clerk.


February 17, 2011 @ 7:30 PM
Newtown Municipal Center
Shared Meeting Room #1
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

PRESENT:  Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, Ted Kreinik, Kathleen Quinn, Benjamin Roberts, and Barbara Toomey

Chairman Dan Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.

Items Added to the Agenda:  Mr. Holmes requested to add “Solar Panels for Reed School” under Old Business; and “Free Solar Panels (4 to 9 KW) for Municipalities and Nonprofits” under New Business.
Communications:  Mr. Holmes received information from Northwest Conservation District regarding the Kent Environmental Summit scheduled for February 26th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  

Ms. Hemingway discussed a group of four 8th grade girls working on a solar energy project.

Mr. Holmes spoke with Fred Hurley regarding the solar project at the Wastewater Treatment facility.  Their grant application is ready to go.  Although the Middle School project may not be ready for the February 28th grant (a signed RFP and the selection of a contractor is still needed), the completed work will allow them to be ready for another funding opportunity.  The commissioners discussed areas other than the roof to install solar panels, including having some ground mounted or building car ports over the parking lots where solar panels can be installed on the roof.

Mr. Holmes said that during a Board of Selectmen’s meeting, Will Rogers and Pat Llodra mentioned that an energy action plan for the Town should be considered.  He discussed building language into a Town ordinance that would affect municipal buildings.  Ms. Quinn will research to see if other towns have done this.  

Mr. Hurley joined the meeting briefly, stating that he has information about the study for the fuel conversion for municipal’s fleet (conversion to natural gas) and the RFP for the solar panels at the water treatment plant.  

Mr. Roberts and Ms. Toomey discussed the “Transition Town” movement (i.e., New Haven).  It is a global campaign where municipalities declare themselves a Transition Town and work towards moving away from the use of fossil fuel and encourage such things as purchasing local foods.  Mr. Roberts and Ms. Toomey will do some more research on this.

Public Comment: ~No public present.

Acceptance of Minutes:  Ms. Hemingway motioned to accept the minutes of January 20, 2011.  Motion seconded by Ms. Quinn.  Minutes were approved unanimously as written.  The minutes of November 18, 2010 were tabled.  

Old Business:

Middle School Roof UpdateMr. Holmes discussed the Middle School being re-roofed over the summer.  An architect has been selected.  Engineers from Kaestle Boos have done some initial structural studies of the roof that encompasses the added weight of the solar panels.  A conceptual layout plan provided by Kaestle Boos was reviewed by the commission.  The shaded areas on the plan show parts of the roof that are not structurally capable of supporting solar, which eliminates about half of the surface.  The plan will be sent to their consulting engineering firm for a full analysis of how the panels can be laid out.  Fred Hurly feels they may miss the grant deadline.  Mr. Holmes said that all the work completed to date will be necessary if another form of funding is required.

Energy Awareness MonthMr. Holmes discussed having April be Energy Awareness Month. ~There is a big push for sign-ups for clean energy use in Newtown.  The commission discussed setting up a booth at the Newtown Youth Academy.  Visuals are being worked on and information will be placed on the commission’s website.  To date, there are about 267 sign ups in Newtown.  Mr. Holmes also discussed getting the kids in school involved, having a competition with the reduction of energy consumption or having classrooms compete in clean energy sign-ups.  

ESCO Update – Mr. Holmes discussed the Town hiring an Energy Service contractor.  A consultant was hired to help the Town hire an ESCO.  It was noted that the projects would need to be large enough to provide value.  Ms. Quinn discussed research being done for using the algae to produce diesel fuel.  

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Reed School – The ceremony is scheduled for March 21st at 1:00 pm.   Jillian Carbone needs a list of e-mails.  A press release will be made and invitations will be sent to current and past elected officials, Curtis Packaging, etc.  A majority of the ceremony will be in the lobby with photo ops outside.  

Energy Action Plan – Mr. Kreinik discussed a previous request to the Legislative Council to have the Town run on 33% clean energy.  He would like to ask for 100%.  Mr. Holmes asked if the up charge could be reduced if there were such a large commercial purchase.  

New Business

Earth Day Involvement – The Earth Day event is scheduled for April 30th at the Middle School.  Commissioners were encouraged to volunteer at the event.  

Ordinance Discussion – Mr. Holmes will speak with Rob Sibley on the wind ordinance that was to be brought forth to P & Z.

Free Solar Panels (4 to 9 KW) for Municipalities and Nonprofits – Ms. Quinn explained a program by DCS Energy that provides 4 to 9 KW solar panels for municipalities and nonprofits.  Funding is from the federal stimulus package.  For free of charge DCS Energy will install between a 4kw and 9kq solar panels that are made in the USA.  Some stipulations require the roof to be no more than five years old (unless installed on the ground); there must be a southern exposure, no shade between 9am to 4pm, and each system must have its own electric meter and space for inverters to be mounted inside.  There is no limit for the number of units installed. The town is responsible for permit fees and ensuring the structural integrity of roofs.  The request must be submitted by September 30, 2011.  Ms. Quinn will ask Mr. Hurley about Town buildings that could benefit from this.

Sarah Hemingway motioned to adjourn and seconded by Kathleen Quinn.  The meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Tammy Hazen, Clerk.